Here’s where we’re heading at: updates of ongoing projects, our team’s personal selection and what is recently on our design board – and from M.Bassy, our supported and cherished social-cultural project.
News: Licht 01 at the Michel

Powalla Forum St. Michaelis Hamburg
We light up the new visitor centre of the St. Michaelis church in Hamburg, The Powalla Forum. In collaboartion with clients, architects, and media designer we currently develop the lighting concept for the new Forum.
The visitor centre is beeing built at the south-west corner of the church's square. The pastorate was constructed in the 1950s and is a protected heritage building. The historic walls and facades will be kept and a modern entrance building will complete the new ensemble.
All customer services will be provided in the new two-floor centre; The Forum, with a five meter high media tower, will serve as meeting point for visitor groups and tourists. The souvenir shop will be enlarged and the amount of ticket counters will be increased. The complete building is welcoming and barrier-free.
Client: Main church St. Michaelis/Der Kirchengemeinderat, Hamburg
Architect: Stölken Schmidt Architekten BDA, Hamburg
Media planning: jangled nerves, Stuttgart
Estimated opening 2021/22